Blogs And Events

Blogs And Events

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Play : A Key Factor in Strengthening Children’s Minds

In the context of childhood development, play emerges as more than just leisure. It is indispensable in nurturing a child’s cognitive and mental faculties. Beyond entertainment pursuits, play fosters intellectual development, emotional resilience, and social skills. At Edu21, we recognize the transformative power of play and have integrated various playful

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Differences between Activity-Based Learning and Project-Based Learning. Why Edu21 is preferring the approach of PBL?

In recent times, the field of education has undergone a significant transformation, embracing more innovative and effective teaching methodologies. Among these, Activity-Based Learning (ABL) and Project-Based Learning (PBL) have emerged as prominent approaches. While both strategies share the goal of actively engaging students in their learning journey, they diverge in

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Play Area

Activity Rooms

Music and Art Rooms

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Our Upcoming Events

Jun 20, 2021
8.00 am - 10.00 am
Water Park Jakarta
Jun 25, 2021
8.00 am - 10.00 am
Yard Jakarta
Aug 10, 2021
8.00 am - 10.00 am
Kidsnify Hall
Aug 30, 2021
8.00 am - 10.00 am
Kidsnify Kitchen